The Four Precepts

  1.  Remember Your Divine Essence
     (Remember your essential Self—”Christ-in-you, the hope of glory…”)
  2.  Say Yes to Life Unconditionally
     (Harbor no regrets, no “if onlys”…  Rather, “take up your cross…”)
  3.  Overcome the Spirit of Resentment and Revenge
     ( “Love your neighbor as yourself…”  “Love your enemies…”
    Don’t blame “them”…  “We are members, one of another…”)
  4.  Follow Your Bliss
     ( “Love and do what you will…”  Discover the real present & your real will…)   

TheFourPrecepts.Com was a website that I started in 2003  devoted– as the name suggests –to The Four Precepts (enumerated above) which had guided my life during the previous  decade (see The Origin of the Four Precepts).  In addition to sharing these four precepts, the site was more generally dedicated to an exploration of Traditional Mysticism, Interfaith Spirituality, and The Perennial Philosophy.  It reflected my best efforts (to the date of the articles published there) to come to terms with many of my earlier questions (questions which were also the motivation for much that can be found on my “personal home page” which dates back to 1995 — see Wayne’s World ).  Please scroll down for more information on The Four Precepts together with links to selected articles…4p screen shot


At some point, I hope to write a short essay entitled, The Four Precepts in Retrospect.  In the meantime, suffice it to say that the general approach was, for me, extremely beneficial and I continue to recommend practicing The Four Precepts as an initial (or supplemental) approach to self-inquiry, cautioning only that the Way of Truth and Life to which they point is not a head-trip.  Rather, observing The Four Precepts is preparatory to a moral and spiritual awakening that involves a movement out of the head into the heart (passing through the narrow gate that leads to life).

NOTE:  It’s never too soon or too late to begin practicing these Spiritual ExercisesNOW is always the right time!  🙂

  1.  Remember your Divine essence.
  2.  Say Yes to Life unconditionally.
  3.  Overcome the Spirit of Revenge.
  4.  Follow your Bliss.

–>  The Origin of the Four Precepts

Additional Archived Articles:
The Jesus Prayer +

Duty and Accomplishment
The Call of Conscience
The Origin of the Four Precepts
Intelligent Design
Collecting and Dividing
The Path With A Heart

The Four Precepts Web Portal & Spiritual Search Page has been superseded by three distinct but interrelated blogs:

[Life Streams–Narrative and Grace…]       [Getting to Know Jesus in the 21st Century]
[Christian Meditations on the Tarot]


2 Responses to The Four Precepts

  1. mannley collins says:

    Have you phased out that site yet?

    • Yes–that domain forwards here, now. I still have all the content saved on my local computer and may post some more of it here as time goes on.. If there is anything in particular you are looking for, let me know and perhaps I can email it to you or post it here straight away..

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